Well, this week started out horrible. Monday we found out that our agency, Commonwealth (we used them for Jake & Sara's adoptions too) is closing. Bankrupt. So, I panicked. At first, there was no information coming out and we assumed that this meant we were through with our Taiwan adoption. I know from reading over yahoo groups that all over Taiwan agencies are pretty full and wait times with them are over 2 years. We didn't want to wait two years.
Well, luckily, information starting trickling out and it kept getting better and better. Then yesterday we got word from Commonwealth. Our case (and all Taiwan families) is being turned over to Gladney, a solid and reputable agency. And, no other fees will be charged, and our wait should not be majorly effected. The international director from Gladney and the program director from Commonwealth are going to Taiwan later this month to get approval and finalization. So, now we wait for that to go through. There's no reason it shouldn't, but I'd appreciate any thoughts or a prayers that the transition is seamless.
Oh Michelle...what great news! Lori had sent me an e-mail earlier in the week telling me that Commonwealth was closed! I was so sad for you guys! Looks like another door has opened! How exciting! Have a great weekend!
I hope this all works out with the new agency. I have been thinking about all you guys waiting and I am hoping that this is the best news possible. Although, we completed our adoption with Program B, we still care soooo much about all the other families waiting. I hope things go smoothly with the transition. Hang in there!
Well written article.
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