Saturday, April 11, 2009

First Easter Egg Hunt

For some reason, even though our kids are 7 and 4, we've never taken them to an Easter egg hunt before. Bad mommy and daddy. So, we set off today completely unaware of the chaos that was to ensue. We specifically chose a hunt that I figured was far enough out of town to be smaller than the others I'd heard about. Uh huh. And it was a balmy 37 degrees. Burr. So, after standing and freezing for about 20 minutes, we watched the stampede of about 500 children as they furiously gathered all the plastic eggs they could. It last about 90 seconds, then we went home. :) But, the kids had a blast, so what more could we ask for?


HollyMarie said...

Brrrrrr!!!! We went to see The Little Mermaid at the State Theater... the "Easter bunny" was in the Lobby, and he also left a giant twix bar taped underneath Ellie's seat in the theater! :)

Beth said...

500 people at an egg hunt??? YIKES!!!!!! Don't blame you for only lasting 90 seconds!!! LOL