Thursday, October 9, 2008

Settling in for a long wait..

Well, it looks like this wait is going to be longer than we thought. Potentially A LOT longer than we thought. Today, our agency told us 2-3 years. I believe they're giving us an ultra-conservative quote, but it was still very, very hard to hear. We've requested more information and will post when we know more.


The Wellspring said...

Oh wow Michelle :( I hope it's not that long for you. I'm curious to know what the big sudden delay is about, as I'm sure you are as well...

Amy, Ryan, Aidan and Lauren said...

Oh my gosh! I hope you're right that they're being extra conservative, but that must be really really tough to contemplate and explain to your kids. Fingers crossed for you!

Tanya and Kristi said...

Ugh! We know the feeling...we are 20 months into our wait, and it feels sooo long. Especially for the kids. We'll pray that this news changes soon (as you know it can)! Praying for you guys!!! Hey were also planning a trip to Traverse City over the Fall Break the 24th-26th. Let me know if you want to have dinner, lunch, or just a quick "Hi!" We'd love to see you! No problem if it doesn't work either! Hang in there! Kristi

HollyMarie said...

Michelle, I am really hoping you don't have to wait that long. I pray that you hear some good news on a shorter timeline soon, and peace as you wait! It was fun seeing you on Friday!